
Portrait of Momo, the cat

About Momo

Year of birth: 2014
Hello my name is Momo and my mom picked me up from SPCA when I just turned 1 year old. She named me "Quietness" in Chinese as I may have seemed to be shy and cold on the outside, although in fact I am a sweet and loving kitty. I enjoy playing with humans after warming up and cannot say no to the caresses and strokes :) My favorite toy is a little mouse and I like chasing it when you throw it - it makes me feel like hunting. My mom and dad's bed is the best place in this apartment and I feel safe in their bedroom. Unfortunately I have long-term gingivitis and will need some human help to keep up my dental hygiene. Other than that, as you can see, I love sleeping.



Owner of Momo


See profile

Portrait of Vivian